亞洲理工學院(Asian Institute of Technology,簡稱AIT)為亞洲地區夙負盛名的國際性大學,成立宗旨在於培養促進全球及區域經濟發展之高素質專業及領導人才。中華民國亞洲理工學院校友會(AITAA@Taiwan,ROC)成立於1971年,已登記立案為正式社團法人組織,現有833位會員、21位理事、7位監事。 AITAA R.O.C Chapter was established in 1971 with the objectives to strengthen solidarity among alumni, the spirit of mutual help and friendship, to promote the link between alumni and alma mater, to enhance the sense of belonging with alma mater, to provide substantial contribution in education of Alma Mater, and to provide the platform of the global AITAA. AITAA R.O.C Chapter has been registered as an official Alumni Association in Taiwan, R.O.C. The total number of alumni in this national chapter is 832 as of November 21, 2017. We elected 21 Directors and 7 Supervisors to form the Executive Board in accordance with the Society Law and to include the maximum number of alumni at the executive level.